iGenius conducts business ethically, honestly, and fully compliant with the law.
Quality, environment, and Data Security
Integrated Policy
The goals achieved so far by iGenius have been pursued thanks to the careful management of all human and material resources and the commitment to constantly strengthen and improve the entire organization over time, with a view to continuous improvement.
On these concepts was built and developed the Integrated System that includes the orientation to Quality, Environment, Safety in the workplace, and information and data, in compliance with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 27001:2013.
- Maintain and improve the Management System, ensure that any future regulatory revisions are implemented, and improve overall, where possible, the corporate organization with a view to reducing risk;
- Increase the professional skills of staff in line with business development objectives;
- Continuously improve the functionality and effectiveness of crystal software, including services related to product marketing;
- Increase the global spread of iGenius, including through the opening of new locations in areas that significantly represent their market;
- Monitor the degree of customer satisfaction and loyalty to improve externally perceived quality, prevent complaints, and zero or minimize non-compliance, accidents, and any situation that could lead to reputational consequences;
- Ensure the achievement of the objectives of external funders and all stakeholders involved.
Environment and Safety
- Comply with all the mandatory legislative requirements applicable to the business activity, also working to prevent environmental impacts, consumption of natural resources, fires, accidents and occupational diseases;
- Ensure cooperation with public authorities;
- Promote and encourage the responsibility of staff towards protecting the environment by implementing training and information programmes;
- Implement an environmental monitoring plan to prevent environmental impacts and consumption out of control;
- To promote, by encouraging collaboration and the development of the skills of all staff, the implementation of any reasonable initiative to minimise the risks and to remove the causes that could endanger the safety and health of staff and also of those who might be present on the company premises (visitors, consultants, customers).
Data security
- Protect your information assets;
- Ensure Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of data and information held and processed;
- Fully respond to the indications of current and binding legislation;
- Avoid delivery delays as much as possible; increase the level of sensitivity and competence of staff on information security issues.
- Increase the level of sensitivity and competence of staff on information security issues.
The Integrated Policy is made available within the organization and to relevant stakeholders as documented information, communicated through the official channels of iGenius.
Responsibility for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and updating the Integrated System is entrusted to the Head of the Integrated Management System (RSGI), assisted by the Security Committee.
The Management of iGenius. supports the organization in achieving its objectives through the support of an organizational nature and adequate economic resources, encouraging the global dissemination of the culture of quality in general and of this policy specifically, and promoting any action aimed at improving and improving the performance of the Integrated Management System.
Every year, iGenius renews its certifications:
• ISO 9001
iGenius has been committed for years to meeting the security standards laid down by the AICPA to certify the trustworthiness of its services.
Every year, iGenius renews its certifications:
iGenius guarantees respect for the privacy of its customers' Data. An "Organizational Model" regulates and describes:
- the Company’s personal data protection governance;
- the processing of Personal Data with respect to which the Company operates as Data Controller or as Data Processor;
- the procedures and policies adopted by the Company in order to ensure the protection of the personal data processed, in compliance with the principles and requirements laid down by the GDPR.
The Organizational Model shall serve the Company, the directors, the executives and, more generally, to all employees and collaborators of the Company to have a faithful and up-to-date picture of the Company’s organization with regard to the protection of personal data processed, as well as the principles and rules by which any processing of personal data must be informed.
The Organizational Model will also serve to document - in compliance with the principle of "accountability" - towards the Supervisory Authorities as well as any third parties, bearers of a qualified interest, compliance by the Company with the principles and obligations set out in the GDPR.
231 Model
A valid Code of Ethics has been adopted and diffused within the organization; it is updated as required and communicated to the appropriate audience. Action is taken where a breach occurs, and a specific section is defined into the law 231 document “Organizational Model” to identify deviations from the Code of Ethics and execute the remediation actions in a timely manner. New employees are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement and accept the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct of iGenius through a flag on Confluence.
The board of directors and the management demonstrate through their directives, actions, and behavior the importance of their corporate mission, vision, and core values to support the functioning of the system of internal control.